Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

I Don't Practice Santeria



Barely a week has passed since religious conservatives on the Atlantic Coast were celebrating their victory in the North Carolina District Court, overturning the Governors Executive Order�s ban on religious gatherings, calling it a violating of the free exercise clause of the 1st Amendment. Within hours of that ruling, the 9th Circuit Court met to decide whether a San Diego District Judges denial of an almost identical request for a TRO in California should be reconsidered. By a two to one margin, the panel upheld the District Judges denial for a TRO and let stand Governor Newsome�s order that banned gatherings for religious services by large numbers that violate social distancing rules. The Church has appealed to the Supreme Court, which sets up an interesting set of potential circumstances. To understand the potential arguments, we have to go back in time, first to 1949, when a Catholic Priest gave a speech to some eight hundred members of the Christians Veterans of America. Another sixteen-hundred people w