Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

The Loneliest Man In The World



They say that being a CO of a warship is the loneliest job in the world. My own observations of my own two Captains are that is probably true. It doesn�t mean that you have to be a delusional hardass, but it does mean that you have to make decisions that are in the best interest of the ship first. Believe me, the ship�s best interest was not always my own. Long years have taught me that I could and I did trust my CO�s to get it right. If Captain Conway called me tomorrow and asked me to do something, I would do it without question. The same applied to my Division Officer, Lt. Fritsch and my Master Chief, Joe Adamson. Why? Because that is the kind of leadership that those men gave me. Not mindless obedience, but trust. I was a part of a ship, and what was best for the ship, was ultimately best for me. A few days ago, the news was abuzz with the word that a US Navy Captain had begged to get his crew off of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the Pacific, which was being ravaged by