Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

The Directorate of Operational Medicine



There was a recent article that claims that Genghis Kahn is now considered �the most Green Invader in History.� Why? Because � I am not kidding here � he killed so many people that the Earth, which had been warming, started to cool off. Which has me wondering about all the myths and the Pangolins associated with the Corona Virus-19. Meanwhile, the question remains, why is it that the US Government seems so incapable of ever handling a natural disaster in any kind of cogent manner? Like most everything, how you feel about how a given Administration is handling a given disaster says more about you than it does the actual politician that you hate or love. After all, hate, as well as love, renders its votaries credulous. Meanwhile, given that the current President has been on record (via Twitter) being dead set against bringing patients infected with the Ebola into the country, why did he bring a bunch of people infected with the Ebola into the country? No, Dave, you say� it�s the Corona virus-19. Um� nope� it wa