

At the close of the Nevada Caucus, Chris Matthews ranted about the Sanders victory, going so far as to compare his �victory� (54% of voters voted against him) to the 1940 Fall of France. On the one hand, he wasn�t completely wrong. The inability of the Democratic Party to see what needs to be done is eerily similar to the French failures in June of 1940. The obvious solution to the problem escapes the Party because there is no ability to understand that sacrifices must be made. Nobody on the Democratic Party stage is willing to make that choice and do what must be done. On the other hand, why now, Chris Matthews, why now? Sanders has been a Fellow Traveler his entire life. Where was your analysis three months ago, or even four years ago? In any case, the Democrats seem poised to nominate a Fellow Traveler (communist) for the Presidency of the United States. They have no will to stop it. Their leadership is like Marshall P�tain and the French surrender monkeys all over again�