Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Noveber 10 to 17



Scorpio season involves Mercury, Mars, and the Sun all moving through this sign of transformation and continues to reveal where we can let go of anything that has been holding you back – emotionally, energetically, or otherwise. Mercury and Mars will each oppose Uranus in Taurus, potentially breaking you free from a fear or lower energy that is no longer your truth. The energy feels clearer and lighter, as if we already changed so much that now it is time to actively practice solidifying more of your higher frequencies and allow anything else to be complete and gone. As we approach the Taurus Lunar Eclipse at 27 degrees on Nov 19, we are receiving higher energy streams from the Pleaides star system and tapping into more of our multidimensional potentials. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.   The Age of Aquarius ~ a 500+ page collector's book published by Acne Studios featuring photography, fashion, commentary, and more --   ~ 2022 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The majo