Toy Detox

Toy Detox episode#15: The Fan Appreciation Detox



Toy Detox episode#15: The Fan Appreciation Detox Topics for Ep#15: *The great toy breaking debate *Politics Detox *The Tale of Beast Wars Barry & Bryan 2times *Insta-Tweeters-Face-groups Detox of the week *Selling Rants of the week * Fan Appreciation Detox: Your questions and comments: Questions from Plastic Therapy, Jr Linke, and Kodie Smith *Batman v Superman Detox of the week *Detox debate: Hollywood big wigs, money over fanboys?   This episodes collection pics provided by Yul of TF 3rd party crashers. Submit your collection pics the Toy Detox Facebook page with the #ToyDetox to have your pictures featured on the next episode of Toy Detox.   Big ups to you all for continuing to support Toy Detox and helping the show to grow! We tried to shout out as many of you as we could this ep and show our appreciation but If we missed you in the Big ups segment hit us up and we’ll be sure to call you out next go round.    Watch this episode in HD video on youtube: