Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman

The Beautiful No with Sheri Salata



Are you ready to rewrite the story of your own life? My guest today did just that. She had the career of her dreams working for The Oprah Winfrey show but she did not have the life of her dreams. She shares how she produced her own life transformation and how you can too. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. If Sheri Salata was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Blessed Links For Sheri Salata: Sheri Salata is a writer/producer, cofounder of the inspirational lifestyle brand, The Pillar Life and cohost of the podcast The Sheri + Nancy Show. Her current ventures are the evolution of her 20-year career with Oprah Winfrey. Her action-packed days as Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show were chronicled in the acclaimed docuseries Season 25: Oprah Behind the Scenes. Sheri also served as Co-President of Harpo Studios and OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. She has been named one of Fast Company’s 100 Most Creati