Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman

Do you need a Digital Detox?



Do you need a Digital Detox? Here’s a test for you!Do you lose track of time when using electronic devices?Do you become agitated when you are interrupted?Do you check your phone when you stop at a red light?Do you ever check your phone or text while driving?Do you spend more time on a screen then you do communicating with your family?Have you lost interest in hobbies or other activities?Do you become restless when not on your device?Does your device stay in your bedroom when you sleep?Does electronic use ever interfere with your sleep?Have any of your relationships been affected because of devices?Do you take the phone with you when you use the bathroom?If you are like most of us, you said yes to a lot of these questions. Listen in as we figure out how to digitally declutter and how to have a healthier relationship with our devices.  This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. This episode is brought to you by fit4mom. Fit4mom is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The f