Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman

Mother Of Invention And Necessity With Empowered Mama Ingrid Carney | Empowered Mama 164



It all started with a positive pregnancy test and the realization that everything was about to change. My guest today is the epitome of the mother of invention being necessity. She created a product out of need and has since created the fashion brand that is inspired by and for moms. If Ingrid were to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be? “That's easy. LOVE.” Famous Quote: "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn Links From This Episode www.ingridandisabel.comTo save 20% use the discount code: FIT4MOMSocial: https://www.amotheris.com MamaWell: FIT4MOM website The Empowered Mama Book Lisa Druxman's Website Thank you for listening today, and