Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman

Organize Your Life | Empowered Mama 145



In this episode of The Empowered Mama, we are going to look at how to finally get your life in order. When your home feels disorganized, you feel disorganized. As a naturally messy person, I’m going to show you how I keep my life in tip top order.I have so much more than 5 tips for you. If you join my next Success Sprint, you will be coached for 30 days so that we will go room by room and get your home organized. And your digital life organized. We are going to clean up your computer and your smartphone as that clutter can make you crazy too. Look if you just need the direction on how to get organized, then go buy a book like The Magical Art of Tidying Up. It’s one of my favorites! But if you are like most people who read it and then don’t follow through, then join us. Together, we will get organized! I promise!  The Success Sprints come with a daily 10 minute activity, a habit tracker and a private accountability group. Come check it out at My personal mission is to empower you to desi