Rich Cleaner Podcast

Joe Polish on How Just 30 Minutes per Week Can Make You a Rich Cleaner – #001



  The story of how Piranha Marketing started and has helped professional cleaners and restorers around the world transform their business How to build an E.L.F business™ (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun) with tried, tested, and true money-making strategies Why there’s no relationship between being good and getting paid …and… what you can do to get paid more Is selling evil? Joe shares how to think about selling and marketing so you sell more ethically (even if you hate sales) and feel good doing it How Joel Cohen went from being a carpenter to making $125,000 a year in his cleaning business using plug-and-play direct response marketing Ever had someone ask you “How much do you charge”? Joe shares how to turn that question into “When can you start?” (especially when you charge higher prices) Does This Really Exist? A robot that delivers an educational, perfect pitch for your cleaning services…24 hours a day…7 days a week…AND sifts, sorts, and screens price shoppers? Yes! Joe shares how you can get one for yourself J