Financial Freedom Report

FFR 48 - Did Severe Winter Weather Hurt Housing?



Blame Boreas, Cleon and Electra for a slowdown in housing on the East coast this winter. According to a new Bloomberg report, those harsh winter storms may have accounted at least partly for a slowdown in housing activity on the East Coast. And that points up one of Jason Harman’s key strategies fro investing success: diversify. For people living in the East and Midwest, the New Year brought a series of extreme winter storms that walloped the area with subfreezing temperatures, snow and ice storms. Named after figures in Greek and Roman mythology, these weather fronts scooped up polar air and whipped it with high winds to create a “polar vortex” that was even visible from space. These storms affected every aspect of life in the affected areas, so it’s no surprise that they could put a dent in the housing recovery too. Sales of existing homes fell in January 2014 to levels not seen in over a year, and experts say weather most likely played a significant role in the slowdown in some areas. It’s not the first ti