Dashing Md

Episode 23: Looking back, looking forward



Hi All,First, a very happy New Year to you all! I'm really excited about where this podcast is headed, and about this first episode for 2008.This episode is in three parts:Part 1: The story of a recent tragedy, and what it makes me remember and consider.Part 2: A look at a couple of recent issues that have appeared in the mainstream media that have direct implications on surgery. The first is a story from This American Life about a heart transplant recipient who comes to know her donor's family...I have a few thoughts on what a bad idea that is.The second is an article by Atul Gawande that appeared recently in the New York Times, telling a story about the latest example of research methods and research ethics failing to agree on what's best for patients. A really interesting read.Part 3: I've been struggling to figure out where the podcast is headed. Now, I'm also struggling to figure out where I am headed. Which, at the very least, gives me a sense of some things to talk about in the weeks to come.Enjoy