Gospel Saving Church

293 - A String Of Super Supernatural Miracles



Overview - A String Of Super Supernatural Miracles. Acts 16:25-40. I open up our message today right in the middle of a whole account with Paul and Silas. An account where Paul and Silas had gone off to Macedonia to serve the Lord. While there, Paul does something really good in that he delivers one of the local slave girls from a demon that had possessed her. Well, her masters didn’t like that to much, so they drag them off to some leaders of their city who unjustly tear their off their clothes, beat them with had sticks leaving them bloody all over, and then throw them in a dark dungeon. Our message opens up with the section of scripture right in the midst of their terrible situation, with Paul and Silas still in prison, yet we start reading today of them praying and singing hymns to God while they were in that dungeon. 1) How was it possible that Paul and Silas were able to pray and sings praise songs to God while in the midst of their horrible situation? I spend a lot of time here because this is an