Gospel Saving Church

283 - Their Hearts Were Poisoned Towards Jesus



Overview - Their Hearts Were Poisoned Towards Jesus. Acts 14:1-7. In our message today we find Paul and Barnabas in a new city, the city of Iconium. And the reason they are there is unfortunately because they were persecuted out of the last city they were in, Antioch of Pisidia, by some of the evil hearted Jewish leaders. And, even though they had the great disappointment of being persecuted out of Antioch, they don’t get down, depressed, and quit, they move forward, and on to some more souls, who they hope want to hear about Jesus Christ. And because they don’t get down, discouraged, and quit because of the persecution they faced in Antioch, when they get to Iconium, they go right into a Jewish synagogue and start preaching Jesus Christ to a brand-new audience. How receptive is their new audience in this synagogue? What can rejection lead to in the ministry? Whose hearts get poisoned, and who does the poisoning? Does God give up on those whose hearts have been poisoned? I talk about, and answer all of