Gospel Saving Church

266 - Great Faith



Overview – Great Faith. Acts 9:36-43. We examine the account in this section of scripture where Tabitha or Dorcus, a very faithful and obedient disciple of Jesus Christ dies, and the other faithful disciples of Christ that are with her in Joppa, clean her up and lay her upstairs in a bed, but then call on Peter to come and pray for her, because they had great faith in God, and wanted her to live. Peter comes and does a miracle for the Lord and raises Dorcus to life, the very same type of miracle that Jesus Christ did in His ministry on earth. Can Christians still do miracles like this today? Should Christians try to do miracles like this today? We don’t see many true Christians doing things like this today, outside of those on TV whom don’t seem to follow the Bibles ways, but can just any Christian do miracles like this today? Come and check it out, and take a listen. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as you diligently see Him Pastor Ed.