Planet Mundus

Zoom in: News Around the Globe.



We are back with a different kind of #SlowNews this week! A zoom in on 4 individual topics that have been covered in the news these past few weeks: 1) Trump’s decision to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights - a very controversial move; 2) Cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe & Malawi - disaster preparedness in Sub-Sahara Africa; 3) #Kwibuka25 - a quarter century after the Genocide against the Tutsi 1994 in Rwanda; 4) Referendums - a debate in times of Brexit. We have some weeks of Easter Break before us now - but stay tuned, we’ll be coming back with a special edition of #SlowNews as we currently work on an in-depth episode about refugees trying to return home! Thank you for listening.