Planet Mundus

The African Elections Year 2019



++ A closer look at the Nigerian elections and media coverage of elections across the continent ++ At least 20 out of 54 African countries hold elections this year, media is talking about another “African Elections Year”. Nigeria made the start of this with its presidential elections last week on February 23, 2019. In this fifth episode of our podcast #SlowNews we therefore first take a closer look at the Nigerian elections with insights from Kelechi, a Nigerian living in Aarhus. Sticking with the Nigerian elections for a while, we then try to critically evaluate international media coverage of them to conclude on a broader level about how media covers the “African Elections Year” and how you can consume journalistic reports about any elections on the African continent more consciously. In this episode, we also address some concerns raised about our last podcast on Venezuela (Venezuela 4) and correct a few imprecisions. Please always feel free to send us your feedback!