Planet Mundus

How to coordinate 900 volunteers in one weekend--and stay sane



One of the core activities in Danish society is volunteering. The tradition dates back to the 19th century, where people started collaborating during the evolvement of the Danish Folkehøjskole. Since then, a lot has changed in Denmark - but volunteering is still ingrained in society. Official statistics say, that 35% of the Danish society do voluntary work, that means that 1.9 millionen Danes volunteer at least at some point of the year. Often, events are collaborations between public institutions and association - like last year’s food festival. During the first three days of September, around 900 volunteers helped out at the festival, selling food or washing dishes. All of them needed to be coordinated - which was done by Ellen Emilie Madsen, a 25-year old political science student who chatted with us about her experience on this episode.