Wiehl Of Justice

The Adeline Wilford Murder – Episode 6



This time on Wiehl of Justice, we get the viewpoint of a well-respected and honored lawyer from Maryland to help shed some light on where the Wilford case goes from here. Attorney Harry Trainor, Jr. has practiced in Maryland for many years as both a criminal defense and civil litigation attorney. While he’s not personally involved in the post-trial Wilford case, he is very well-versed in the details of what’s already occurred, as well as with the palm print evidence that has recently been identified and how that may impact the case. Be sure to download the previous episodes! Subscribe to the Wiehl of Justice podcast on iTunes here. If you’ve got an Android or other podcast app, you can subscribe here. And don’t miss the story we covered on our first case: The Cal Harris Trial! Here are the previous posts on the Adeline Wilford case: The Adeline Wilford Murder – Episode 1 The Adeline Wilford Murder – Episode 2 The Adeline Wilford Murder – Episode 3 The Adeline Wilford