Kapow Radio Show

Wicked People Destroyed - Psalm 73 - Why This Verse is Awesome



Ever look around and all the fools running this insane asylum getting richer and more powerful?  Ever wonder why their life seems so good and your life is in poverty and toil?  Well, it is because those that govern you are wicked people who have sold out to their own selves as god.  They speak the narrative of the Dragon and are in fact of the Lucifer religion of anti-Christ.  Have you ever felt like giving up the Christian walk and just succumb to the world and to your flesh because it makes more sense than to be a Biblical Christ follower?  You re not alone.  Today, we examine Psalm 73 and read that the ancient Psalmist felt exactly this way also.  Until he.....http:www.fifthookmedia.comhttp:www.kapowradioshow.com