Topher Wiles

Teaching Tuesday on the Holy Week



Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Scroll down to view an infographic of a Holy Week Timeline.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute.  About 1984 years ago, give or take a few, Jesus was in Jerusalem during what we now call the "Holy Week" of Passover.  On Tuesday of that week, the man who was the Christ, the Messiah, was teaching on weddings, marriage, and the Kingdom of God.  These teachings stunned and astonished some of the religious elites called the Sadducees. (Matthew 22:33)Upon seeing that their political and theological opponents were stumped, the Pharisees got together and put one expert of the law to test Jesus with a question.  He asked, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"   (Matt 22:36)  Jesus gave my favorite reply to all the many questions he was asked here in Matthew 22.  H