
YACHT - Multi-Family Garage Sale



Support us on Bandcamp: https://yacht.bandcamp.com/track/multi-family-garage-sale-single We're revisiting all our influences in quarantine. This is a cover of "Multi-Family Garage Sale," from Land of the Loops' 1995 7" single (and 1996 album, Bundle of Joy). This album made a huge impact on me (Jona) as it showed me that bridge could be built between DIY Pacific Northwest indie-pop and sample-based electronic music. If you're taking a lot of walks around your neighborhood right now, this is a great soundtrack for looking at the world and appreciating small things. "Land of the Loops’ Alan Sutherland was just another Minor Threat fan who couldn’t hold a band together until his conscientious parents bought him a sampler for graduation. The result was a couple of cassette releases and a CD for Seattle’s Up Records, Bundle of Joy, that lures Beat Happening’s Heather Lewis and others into what the Young Marble Giants might’ve done had they had the technology—a loop-driven basement party for the internationa