Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

LLP047: The Power Of Affirmation in Goal Setting



2017 has been an absolutely amazing year  and I love to say that it all started in December of 2016 when I made four bold affirmations that have forever changed the course of my personal & professional career. In the office I run into patients all the time who make these bold statements about how they are going to change their life for the better, whether it be through losing weight, exercising more, stop smoking or just make a conscious effort to take better care of themselves. Those patients are who inspired me to make the changes I set out to make that would propel myself to a level I did't think was even possible.  On today's episode I discuss just how important affirmations are whether you are a business professional or someone who is just trying to become a better and healthier you for the new year. Listen as I talk about my first ebook Affirmation 2016 and discuss the newest endeavor before the new year.   Links/Resources  Affirmation 2016 Four Affirmations for 2017 In this episode you will learn