Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

LLP029: Why prostate cancer should be at the top of men's health concern



Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in men. In 2017 almost 160,000 people with diagnosed with prostate cancer with many more going undiagnosed. There are major symptoms associated with prostate cancer but the most common one will surprise you. Learn today why your doctor's are missing the boat on treating you for prostate cancer and if you are an African American male you don't want to miss out on this topic.  Links/Resources  Free PDF for Prostate Disorders Learn more about skin cancer Why socioeconomics play a huge role in health care In this episode you will learn: What is prostate gland? What can go wrong? Common facts about prostate cancer? Risk factors, symptoms  The major symptom of prostate cancer Prostate cancer in the African American male Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you h