Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

LLP020: Why skin cancer is much scarier than the news will have you believe



If you had to guess which is the most common cancer in the world how many of you would say skin cancer? In the episode today we will begin to shed the light on skin cancer and talk about how many diagnoses per year of skin cancer is found. In my office quite often do I have to tell my patients that getting a yearly test is almost mandatory (even though are insurance companies who think it is). Being in Florida the sun exposure is much higher than others parts of the country so its imperative to keep checking your self on a routine basis. Learn more about skin cancer on today's episode.    Links/Resources  Find a free screening spot   In this episode you will learn: Fun Facts about skin cancer Learn about Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month What are the risk factors? Why sun screen is important Why being African American isn’t an excuse not to get your skin checked   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - w