

Mike Lehr: Intuition in the WorkplaceI'm excited to launch my 2016 Talent Talk - Thought Leaders 3.0 podchat series with my first interviewee Mike Lehr who was my original first!  And I am thrilled we are taking on the topic of intuition. It's a perfect complement to the work I do surrounding creative, critical and innovative thinking. I suggest you take the time to contemplate and learn about your own intuition, particularly the role it plays in decision-making, inspiration and creative thinking. Harnessing it will expand your effectiveness! Use my interview with Mike to be the jumpstart. Additionally Mike has provided a white paper on the topic.  Also, check out other complementary information on his site as well as my first podchat with him -  What Box Do You Want To Be In?LISTEN NOW:Trouble loading? Download with this link: paper link: Helping you b