Sherman Street Church

February 17, 2021 - Ash Wednesday



Lent is a forty day period of preparation and anticipation during which we make our hearts ready to celebrate Good Friday and Easter. Traditionally, that preparation involves three things: repentance, fasting, and almsgiving, as well as reflecting on Jesus’ journey to the cross in the gospels. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and you are invited to reflect, repent, and remember your human frailty through a podcasted audio service and the receiving of ashes on the evening of February 17th, as a drive through in the Sherman Street parking lot.The stations of the cross will be set up in the church parking lot throughout Lent so that you can spend some time meditating on Jesus’ journey to the cross through this long-standing tradition of the Christian church. There will be images, reflections and prayers for you to visit on your own and at your own pace. During Holy Week, we will add interactive elements to the stations to enhance the experience for all and to make it more accessible to children.