Ignite Your Purpose

United By Stoke Finding Our Way Brick and Mortar



United By Stoke Finding Our Way Brick and Mortar   Today finally Shane has made it into the studio to bless us with his 2 cents! This last few weeks for us has been interesting and challenging when it comes to finding ourselves a new store front in the town we call home.   Why You Ask?   Well, its all about our belief our perspective and our brand foundation. We have been (all be it very blessed) asked into a few shops that are already established, local and have a following, which is just an amazing opportunity for us here at RAVEN 425. Honestly that is a super blessed place to be in these unique times for sure....however!   For us its about our fundamentals the brand cannot be and will not be compromised, so what does that actually mean for us, and or what the phuck are we talking about rite? Well, we stand behind very strongly by the way certain views and certain ways to do business, so when we come into someone else place we need to first off respect their house. We need to make them more than w