



Jennifer Manry Final Podcast Transcript By: Hannah Nguyen and Lea Zawada [Typing on keyboards, faint radio chatter, the phone rings.] JM: 911 emergency. I grew up in a law enforcement family. I was running around the police department since I was born. [Cue Music] [Narration:] Jennifer Manry is a dispatcher at the Menlo Park Police Department. She’s just celebrated her 28th birthday. She’s wearing the blue polo of the MPPD and on one of the many screens is a photo of her pug, wearing the same uniform. She grew up listening to exciting stories of cop life. JM: My dad was a sergeant for 30 years and he was at redwood city police department. They would tell me stories as i got older. [Narration:] Like the time he was in a shootout. JM: The guy was pointing a gun at his pregnant girlfriend and he had my dad on the ground and my dad just took a chance and shot the guy. The only thing he brought home with him was if he had a stressful day you could always tell. He was a little bit quieter he was a