Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

207. How To Be Grateful When You’re Not Feeling It



“I think we can use our challenges or our pains to go into gratitude with that lens of like, “How can I be grateful for it?”.” This week’s episode is the recording of an impromptu conversation between me and my sweetheart - the incredible Gina Worful. Here’s the backstory… It was Thanksgiving morning and Gina and I got talking about all the things we’re grateful for. We went deep; remembering all the people, opportunities, and synchronicities that have shown up for us. As we reflected together, some deep insights bubbled up and we realized that we wanted to share them with you. This episode is the product of that decision. I hope you enjoy it. “I think we needed to actually go against the grain of our intuition in order to break ourselves open and get those sledgehammer experiences.” A brilliant dietician, Gina is exceptionally gifted at bringing spiritual concepts back to the body - so we can experience who we are on a physical level more deeply.  In her work, Gina helps people conne