Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Where's the science?



LIVE TODAY! @ a 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am grateful for many things. Gratitude and forgiving are two of the most powerful mental activities we can practice. With all the division and angst in society, we could all use practice in both including myself. So, I will let you know what makes me thankful, like not wearing a mask outdoors. Give me a call and let me know what you are thankful about this year. (oh, and there was a lot in the news to talk about if that is what you want to call about also.) The Boze Noze Show is live at 4:00 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. You can listen to the show online (just click the picture below) or on your phone by calling 646-721-9887. Just press "1" if you want to join the conversation. If you can't make the live show and you have a question or comment the Jay Bozievich, send him an e-mail at NOW also broadcasting thru Facebook Live on the KRBN Internet News Talk Radio page!