Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

PMH Atwater | How Her NDE Prepared Her to Share Insights on Our Current Global “Re-Birth”



PMH Atwater is joining the show once again to share some powerful insights on the times we are facing and why she feels we are in an unprecedented rebirth period. Based on her own powerful near-death experiences (NDE) (three of them in three months), and the rebirthing process she was forced to go through laid a firm groundwork that she shares with us all. During this time of chaos and crisis, this is not a time to panic or fear. We are going through an individual and collective re-birth that although appears insurmountable is actually asking us to “level up” our birth given capabilities so we can prepare to evolve as a species. PMH will also explain the important role our physical bodies will increasingly play in this evolution/ascension process - why we need them to expand our own energetic frequency as the planet’s vibration is accelerating as well.