Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

Dr. Hossein, discusses Rotating Savings & Credit Associations



On December 9, 2021, Vernon interviews Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hossein, Associate Professor at the University of Toronto Scarborough, and founder of Diverse Solidarity Economies (DiSE) Collective. Dr. Hossein discusses ROSCAS (Rotating Savings & Credit Associations), and her research on alternative solidarity financial systems. Dr. Shenaz Hossein is Associate Professor of Global Development and Political Science at the University of Toronto Scarborough, and founder of Diverse Solidarity Economies (DiSE) Collective, pushing for equitable economies. She holds an Ontario Early Researcher Award (2018-2023) and her project “African origins in the Social Economy” was funded by the SSHRC (2017-2020). Dr. Hossein is an elected board member to the International Association of Feminist Economics, academic advisor at Oxford University Press and an editorial board member to the U.N. Task Force for the Social and Solidarity Economy. Dr. Hossein is the author of Politicized Microfinance (2016), co-author to Critical Introduct