Alternate Take With Danny Mancera

#1 - NFL Defensive Tackle - Kyle Peko



Danny talks with Kyle, current NFL Defensive Lineman, about his time with the Denver Broncos, they survive an earthquake together, John's creep skills, his new gig with the Buffalo Bills, "Randy Moss", Domata Peko, Kai's trip to Legoland, their epic arm wrestling match circa 2010, Kyle's injury history, shout out Coach Thompson R.I.P., Mike's mom, this upcoming training camp, his time at Oregon State, Danny's motivational skills, freshman football,  they talk with Danny's dad on the phone, Mrs. Peko, "Home Improvement Boobs”, the time Danny's mom almost killed him, an epic “Molc Run” circa 2008, Kyle's successful unlicensed driving record, leaking boobs, kneeling for the anthem, Mr. Peko's new kidneys, Giuliana's announcement, their experience with their first born, Celina's wedding, who's next to get married in the group, Somoans, "On This Day", birthdays we missed, Michael Jackson, and Hardball. Follow us on Instagram @alternatetakedr for updates on all of our new episodes and silly things we do. https