Higher Aim With Dr. Curt Dodd

Just When You Need Him The Most



When you are going through a difficult season in your life (whether it's financially, your health, or relationally), you need to have the right focus. For many of us, our focus is, “God, take away the pain.” God often does not take away the pain; at other times, He does take away pain. With many of us, we want to take a detour around the pain. God often says, “I want you to go all the way through the middle of it.” In order to make it all the way through, you must have the right focus and you need a glimpse of God. In reality, the greatest thing God wants to give you to help you make it all the way through is a fresh glimpse of Himself. That is exactly what John experiences in the middle of having to write about all the judgment that is coming on this planet. So in today’s message we’re going to look at how John saw Jesus and how this fresh glimpse of the Savior helped John get through not only what he was walking