Endurance Horse Podcast

Lynn Atcheson and Banner - Tevis 2021



Episode 51 of Endurance Horse Podcast Lynn Atcheson & Banner  Tevis 2021  created by: Christina Hyke December 23, 2021 We are soon wrapping up our 4th year of  YEAR of ENDURANCE HORSE PODCAST and trotting on strongly into 2022, year 5!   Endurance Horse Podcast first aired in March of 2018,  we have averaged 12 episodes per year and have stayed free and commercial free for our listeners. And most importantly I hope Endurance Horse Podcast is known as a place on the airwaves that always champions the horse and rider no matter which place they come in.  I know the AERC motto is To finish is to Win, though I believe to saddle up and to show up takes courage and I will always champion you for trying, for daring to place your heart and your horse at the starting line.    Wooohooo!  Is all I can say about wrapping up the past 4 years of podcasting!  We are at over 40,000 downloads! I honestly remember being in awe when we reached 256 downloads!  It seems the podcast has filled a niche for riders wh