Insights With Trent Munday

Celebrating The 1500th Episode Of Trent365! #1500



WOW! 1,500 Episodes. That's a lot. This whole show started with the idea to publish one piece of content every day...for one year. That's it. And here we are now...1,500 consecutive days later. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who has tuned in over the years to listen, or watch or read any of these episodes. As I say at the end of every episode, 'I do thank you for your time...' And I genuinely do. Thanks. the big announcement I promised... Tomorrow's episode...Episode 1,501... Will be the LAST episode of the show! Yep. I've decided to hang up the mic. Why?  Well, the answer is the same as it was for why I started the show in the first reason. I just feel like it's run its course. That's all. So why not just end today...on 1,500? Two reasons... 1. I wanted to end on a real show, consistent with the theme of the show. Which has always been about a daily thought, idea, insight. I didn't want to just finish on an anniversary type show. 2. Wh