Diamond Factory

14 1 27 Jihan Solomon Thomas



Jihan Solomon Thomas, you know her? She’s blasting through the leadership ranks and has created the Tri Harmony Success Training. I’ve streamed in on some of Jihan’s training, she is “ON IT”. It’s fantastic to see someone who is a student of the network marketing industry apply the principles of what they’ve learned, taking MASSIVE ACTION. On this call we talk about “Creating Long Term Sustainable Volume.” What are we gonna talk about: 1. Most avid oilers only order ever 3 months, how can you encourage more frequent orders. 2. High quality oil resources are limited on earth, how we can help preserve that. 3. Stabilizing volume, getting rid of big swings during various times of the year. 4. Creating healthy growth that gains steam over time. 5. Keys to talking about the Essential Rewards program. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who is look