Diamond Factory

14 3 31 Rob Ridpath Diamond



Rob Ridpath, from Massage Therapist to Diamond with Young Living! Rob and his wife Alina were caught in the “work / debt” trap and they wanted their lives back. Both were massage therapists and in that profession you only get paid when you have clients on the table, even if that meant taking that 8 pm on a Saturday night because bills need to be paid. When they were introduced to Young Living they went "ALL IN" and quickly built a successful organization. Young Living allowed them to get their lives back in a short period of time. What we’re going to chat about: 1. How Rob was introduced to Young Living. 2. What training was the most valuable to give him the skills to take off like a rocket. 3. Starting their new people, getting builders on track right away. 4. Their favorite tools to prospect with. 5. Keeping the momentum going. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Bu