Diamond Factory

14 4 7 Marilee Tolen Online Presence



Marilee Tolen is a Nurse who LOVES Natural Healing and LOVES Business – and she calls herself an EntrepreNURSE. She is all about ‘empowering people’ in their business, health, and life! Marilee taught Healing Touch and Holistic Nursing throughout the country for several years and in 1997 she joined Young Living. In 2002 Marilee decided to take her work in Natural Health, Holistic Nursing, and YL online. Marilee developed an expertise in online marketing and started to be asked by her colleagues to teach them what she was doing on the internet, and share with them what she was doing and how she was doing it. Currently Marilee is a Marketing Coach to many professionals in the Wellness Industry and she loves to help people bring their message to the masses, make a difference, and make more money in their business with online marketing, video and more. What we’re going to chat about: 1. How building a business 10 years ago is different than today. 2. Transferring your business to from offline to online.