Diamond Factory

14 4 15 Brenda Schuler RCD



Brenda Schuler, being a mom and a Royal Crown Diamond! Brenda and her husband Scott were successful professionals “living the dream” as most Americans would put it. Brenda was an exercise physiologist and Scott was a chiropractor, both practicing in MN. They had their own clinic and eventually 3 boys. It appeared from the outside they had the perfect life. Like most Americans, they worked their tails off and had no time to live. They maxed out their earning potential by working every hour possible. Brenda was already in Young Living at this point and had reached Gold in the Company. Then she “woke up” as she puts it! What we’re going to chat about: 1. What clicked inside you to “go for it” with your YL biz. 2. Schedule: what an average week looks like to you? 3. Maintaining boundaries, this business can be 24/7 if you let it. 4. When your life gets off balance, how do you find center again? 5. Raising children in a YL household, how it’s different than the average American. 6. Tools that ca