Diamond Factory

14 4 28 Crystal Burchfield



Adorable, Crystal Burchfield! She is going to share what leaders go through as they advance in rank. Even though Crystal has the Lemondropper team under her, she is busy building her other legs so she can reach Diamond. Sure, she could sit back and collect her nice check from YL … but that’s not how Crystal rolls. She wants to reach Diamond, and she’s a hair away for attaining her goal. Last week she was hitting the streets (literally), this weekend she drove 7 hours to speak at get-togethers, and she is constantly mentoring her rising leaders to boost her up to her goal rank. You will enjoy her transparency, humility, and wisdom as she gives you her “learnings” as she has grown through the ranks. Take notes and invite your team! What we’re going to chat about: 1. What oils help you grow emotionally and spiritually as you go through the ranks. 2. Self sabotage, how to break through. 3. The best way to support leaders in your team. 4. Why people get stuck. 5. How your role changes as you hit