Diamond Factory

14 5 12 Vicki Opfer



Vicki Opfer is going to tell you how you can help people feel better and become empowered & health educated without being pushy or creepy. This year marks the 20th Year Anniversary for Young Living AND Vicki Opfer’s membership! She was in at the beginning, before websites or fancy starter packs. Some of her labels were even hand written. Vicki went into YL kicking and screaming, ashamed of the network marketing business model and the stigmas came with it. She didn’t want to be “one of those people.” Vicki developed a way to share the Young Living message that is genuine and heart felt, always focused on the how people’s lives can be changed for the better. What we’re going to chat about: 1. Easily assist people getting onto Essential Rewards. 2. How to help people, help people, to help people (say that 6 times!). 3. What the heck is 24/531?!?!?!?! 4. Opening a sharing event / meeting without feeling awkward, so crazy simple. 5. The magic words to invite people to events that fills the seats with n