Diamond Factory

14 6 16 Monty Moran Verick Burchfield



A call for dudes! Young Living Silver, Monty Moran begins hosting the first Monday of the Month Guys' Episodes starting with his guest, Young Living Diamond, Verick Burchfield! Ladies, how many of you go to your oil kit and find the oil you’re looking for missing or worse yet, EMPTY. This is because your man has now discovered how amazingly awesome the oils are but he's still in the oily closet. Guys need to be marketed to in a different way than women. Guys can also have different concerns than women when it comes to health and providing for the family. They want to have energy, feel virile, no love handles, and look young. So Monty Moran (YL Silver) and Verick Burchfield (YL Diamond) are going where no man has gone, on a call. If you’re a lady, come to know how to support the men in your life. (Or the men you’d like to have in your life). If you’re a dude, come hang out with dudes that know where you’re coming from. What the dudes going to talk about: 1. What it’s like to be the other half of power w