Bits Per Second




Jarrod, Jim, and Karl all watched SERENITY, the 2019 film starring Matthew McConaughey in full Lincoln Continental mode as a fisherman who's given an offer he can and should refuse. BUT THERE'S MORE TO IT THAN THAT. 2/3 of us loved this movie and the other one is Jarrod. The movie is available on Prime. The Bit Players WOULD be performing every Friday and Saturday night at 8pm at the Firehouse Theater. We are currently closed due to the governor's order and safety guidelines, but we look forward to performing for you again in the future. Please help us #SaveTheFirehouse! The Bit Players want to make sure we have a home to go back to when the quarantine is over. We have funny stuff all over our Facebook (The Bit Players) and Instagram (@bitplayers) as well as a variety of stuff coming to this feed. If you like what you see, drop some money at so that we can pay our bills and keep the laughs going! Tell your enemies! Opening and closing music by DorisDuke, the band that is 3/4