Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

Your Beliefs Are The Problem Get Outside Your Comfort Zone to Grow



If you stay where you are comfortable you will only re-experience the same old life over and over again. Move outside the belief system where it's a bit spooky and learn to spread your wings to fly. Beliefs are programs, put in place by society to keep us conforming. BE a Non-conformist and live life as an exciting journey. Want to Support the channel? Use Donate Button on the banner top of channel page! Thank you. Get your Happy on! Discover the power within you to create with happiness! Http:// Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to transitio