Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

Who Benefits from Wars, Fear, Politics, Religion? Order out of Chaos



Support my work by making a donation here on YouTube or at Who Benefits from Wars, Fear, Politics, Religion? Order out of Chaos! How brain washed and brain trained are you? Do you just go along to get along or risk it to think outside the box? Fear keeps most conforming and not asking the big questions about who benefits. Why is the United States bombing and droning in so many places? Why does Trump need to build up our military? Who will we bomb next? Do corporations and neocons run the country? The World? Do we need to change our minds about how things work and stop going along with what we've all been trained since childhood to think, believe and do? It's time for humanity to rise up and throw away the chains of mind slavery that keeps the rich and powerful in office and in control. Let's go into the silence and heal ourselves so that we can be the solution. We can.. but will we? Will civilization come to ruin if we don't wake up in time? The clock is ticking! Get