Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

Trump Info Wars Alex Jones Fake News Russia Oh My!



Does it make you wonderful what Twilight Zone Episode we are living in? Donald Trump and Alex Jones of Info Wars are best buds and Putin of Russia loves them and thinks they will help America to be great again and return to "Traditional Values"! WOW, I'm totally blown away. If it doesn't get you wondering about what's happening behind the scenes, I don't know what will wake you up. Alternate media that ONLY covers ONE thought! That's NOT news.. that's propaganda! There really is a war on for your mind.. WAKE up.. Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to transition through t