Thaco's Hammer




Wild Games Productions Presents: Thaco's Hammer Podcast: AD&D 2E Podcast Segments: 1 Hits Nâ?? Crits (What did we do 2E this week?) O Intros, What the showâ??s about, hostsâ??s background, etc. 2 Itâ??s In The Book (Rules and Optional Rules) o Magic item / weapon destruction (explosion?) 3 People Skills (Races, Classes/Subclasses, Kits and Proficiencies) o Fighter kit: The Myrmidon 4 Rule Zero (DM Techniques) o Keeping track of character sheets 7 Magic Fingers (Spells, Magic Items and Artifacts) o Magic and Subclasses 8 Loaded For Bear (Weapons & Equipment) o Big Swords (Bastard Sword, Khopesh, Flamberge) 9 Snipe Hunt (Monsters) o The Grell